Satoshi, originally from Nagoya but now based in his hometown of Kurashiki, has been a central figure in past tours—a travel partner, bass player, ramen advisor, music critic, tour manager, and most importantly, a great friend. For this tour, Satoshi could only join four dates, as he had just become a father to a beautiful daughter. When he arrived at our meeting point, we seamlessly slipped back into our old tour mode. Some friendships just have that deep, unspoken connection.
A 20-minute train ride brought us close to Jazz Inn Lovely, and we walked the final stretch to the venue. Jazz Inn Lovely is a place we always play when in Nagoya. It has a long-standing history and hosts live music almost every day of the week. Satoshi and I were the first to arrive, as the rest of the group was delayed in traffic. By 6 p.m., we were ready to go over the setlist. For this tour, I prepared the sets in advance, a mix of tunes from the new album JINSEI, some from the first album and two new pieces written specifically for this tour.