Joris Posthumus Group album release JINSEI @ Studio Wuu, kashiwa, Japan by Kazuhiro Sato

Photos by Kazuhiro Sato (Questkazu)

Album release tour Japan Jinsei, November 2024, Studio Wuu Kashiwa, Japan


I love Studio Wuu—the crew, the atmosphere, and the wonderful room with its beautifully maintained Steinway piano, tuned before the show by the owner himself. This night was special, featuring a three-horn lineup for the albumrelease jinsei studio wuu: Yuki Hirate on trumpet, Yuki Nakae on tenor saxophone, and me on alto. The lineup was perfect for playing selections from JINSEI. Alongside us, Shunichi Yanagi was on piano, Gaku Hasegawa on drums, and for the last two days of the tour, Kunpei Nakabayashi joined us on bass. I had met Kunpei during a previous tour in China, and it was fantastic to have such a strong player for these final concerts.


Read the full behind the scene blog of this concert day leading up to the albumrelease jinsei studio wuu  here